Jun 252020

People of color are exempt from Oregon county’s mandatory mask order

In short: Lincoln County issued a directive that white people are to wear masks when social distancing isn’t practical, but non-white people don’t need to because they are emotionally fragile and think that wearing masks will make white people attack them. This summary doesn’t quite use the language and tone of the original directive, but it does seem to accurately represent the message.

Now, at first glance a lot of people saw that directive as anti-white racism because whites are legally forced to do things other people aren’t. But on the other hand… people who don’t wear masks when out in public are putting not just themselves but those nearby at risk. So in a situation where it’s taken to extremes, where all white folks are masked up and all non-white folks are maskless, you’ll have white folk avoiding non-whites in public, and you’ll have non-whites getting infected and spreading infection at a substantially higher rate than whites. A legal requirement like this may put the onus on the white people, but it’s the non-white people whoa re going to do the dying.

Once the news of this hit a day or two ago, people started talking about it. And apparently the “leadership” of Lincoln County got an earful, enough so that they’ve issued a weaselly response.

And if somewhat related news: if you are running low on the sort of things that ran low in the hardest parts of the lockdowns… I’d recommend stockign up ASAP. Cuz it ain’t looking good:

The growth in new cases seems to be driven almost exclusively by California, Texas, Florida and Arizona, with Georgia and the Carolinas doing their part. The trends really started spiking upwards about a week ago, which means infections started spiking maybe a week before that. I wonder if there was anything newsworthy that involved large groups of people getting together two or so weeks ago…

 Posted by at 11:20 am