SDG&E Worker Fired Over Alleged Racist Gesture Says He Was Cracking Knuckles
A Hispanic guy was fired from San Diego Gas & Electric for – at worst – making the “OK” gesture, though he claims he was cracking his knuckles.
Even better: Californians of A Certain Ideological Persuasion are pushing for a ballot measure titled “California Repeal Proposition 209 Affirmative Action Amendment.” The titles suggests that it would repeal Prop 209, which banned affirmative action. But what would it *actually* do? It would strike out a bit of text from the California Constitution. Just a smidgeoon of text. nothing much to worry your little head about. Just this:
So… yeah. If this passes, California will be in the business of discriminating against, or granting preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting. That will doubtless work fabulously well.