May 092020

And it’s only 4 AM!

1 in 4 Americans says they would refuse COVID-19 vaccine, poll says

This story actually has multiple layers of stupid. For starters, let’s look at the actual poll question and result:

Q4. If a safe and effective coronavirus vaccine is developed, how likely would you be to get vaccinated?

Very likely 51
Somewhat likely 24
Not so likely 14
Not likely at all 11
Skipped 1
Total likely (Net) 74
Total not likely (Net) 25

Ummm… for starters, “how likely are you to get something” is *not* the same as “do you refuse to get something.” A pretty big difference in fact, so that’s irritating in its deceptiveness. That said, 25% of respondents did say “nah” to the idea of getting a “safe and effective coronavirus vaccine.” Morons.

 Posted by at 3:01 am