May 062020

*Some*  evidence – via micro-lensing events – of a black hole massing 20 to 50 times Earth out in the Kuiper belt or Oort cloud. Take with a chunk of salt.

A Black Hole Relic from the Big Bang –“May Exist in Our Solar System”

Given the current understanding of physics, there are currently no processes that would create a black hole much less than a couple times the mass of the sun. And there has been nowhere near the 10E68 years needed for Hawking radiation to evaporate a stellar-mass black hole down to Earth-mass. So if a planetary mass black hole is lurking out there, then it must have been created during the Big Bang. And if they’ve actually spotted one, it seems likely that the universe must be *littered* with them. Something of a hazard to navigation for starships.

And because why not, an interesting black hole calculator:

1x Earth: radius =0.3492 inches, lifetime = 5.67661E50 years

20x Earth: radius = 6.984 inches, lifetime = 4.54128E54 years

50x Earth: radius = 17.46 inches, lifetime = 7.09576E55 years

 Posted by at 5:58 pm