May 052020

Found out today that the book I’ve been slaving away at has been delayed. Thanks to CERTAIN GLOBAL PROBLEMS causing supply chain issues and shutting down distributors and wholesalers, publication of my book has been put off by One Year.

Golly gee, thanks for that pandemic, ya commie bastiches.

In a desperate effort to look on the bright side, this also gives me an extra year to finish the manuscript. As anyone who has ever had to write some big report as a school assignment only to get an extension on the due date knows, this can be both good and bad. Extra time is handy, but it tends to result in slacking off if one isn’t careful. Still and all, I expect that this will lead to an expanded version of the book, assuming I don’t get taken down by the Pinko Pox before I turn it in.

Extra sadness: I was preparing to turn in a proposal for the *next* book, and it was agreed that it would have gone straight to contract were things different.

 Posted by at 3:52 pm