Apr 232020

Since Fingers the cat died almost two weeks ago, there’s obviously not much to say about her as far as updates. There is, however, possibly something to say Fingers-adjacent. After I took her to the vet for the last time and she didn’t come back with me, my other cats hardly seemed to react. This is not surprising… at the best of times cats are often not very demonstrative, and Fingers was hardly the most social of social butterflies. So there was doubtless some time when the other cats simply assumed that she was off on her own somewhere. But in the past week or so, Buttons has developed a quirk: he goes around the house calling out in the most mournful fashion, and will often run up to me and yell at me, demanding *something.* Exactly what that is, I can’t say, but it’s something new. His “I want attention” and “I want food demands” are well known. I have a suspicion that this *might* be a “bring Fingers back” demand.

Fingers was in the Utah house when Buttons gained entry. In fact, they interacted somewhat while they were still outside cats, if memory serves; it may be that Fingers is an older memory for Buttons than I am. So if any of the cats misses Fingers, it should be Buttons.

 Posted by at 4:02 pm