Apr 032020

Defense Distributed Launches The “Netflix of Guns”

In short, if you are in the US you can access a number of downloadable files for 3D printable firearms.

While I would avoid any such weapon like the plague in favor of properly manufactured firearms made from *good* materials, having this system in place and recognized as legal is a good first step towards the day when any American can download and print a *good* firearm without having to deal with governmental BS. As has been pointed out from time to time, many people want gun laws to be similar to automobile laws. And there are precisely zero laws against making your own automobile at home.  Granted a car is *way* bigger than most firearms…

The sci-fi dream is a general replicator, such as from Star Trek. Trek replicators use magic transporter technology, but the basic idea of a machine that builds up anything from drugs or hamburgers to pistols from raw materials is a valid one.

 Posted by at 1:05 pm