Mar 102020

Ladies and gentlemen, the possible next President of the United States:

Biden, accused of wanting to end 2nd Amendment, responds: “You’re full of sh**”

“This is not OK, alright?” the man said, to which Biden replied, “Don’t tell me that, pal, or I’m going to go out and slap you in the face.”

“You’re working for me, man!” the worker said.

“I’m not working for you,” Biden said. “Don’t be such a horse’s ass.”


He wants to make AR-15’s as illegal to own as machine guns. And AR-14’s as well. And you shouldn’t be allowed to own 100 bullets if I’m hearing him right. And if you say he wants to take our guns, why, you’re wrong. Somehow. I’m sure if you are senile enough it makes some sort of sense.

What the frak is it with these jackhole politicians who, on the one hand, say quite clearly that they want to make standard capacity magazines illegal and to ban conventional firearms that millions of people own… and then promptly say that they’re *not* going to take the peoples guns away?

ADDITIONAL: When Beto O’Roarke endorsed Biden, Biden made sure to point out that Beto – who has previously declared his intention to decree tens of millions of Americans overnight felons, eligible for no-knock SWATting raids with doubtless many summary executions – to be his point man on dealing with the “gun problem:”

 Posted by at 11:00 am