Oct 262009

During the campaign, Obama suggested that he could be judged by the people he chose to surround himself with. Well… the judgement is starting to come in… not just Communist, but Mao-ist. Does that sound like hyperbole? Normally, yeah. But there are two lines of reasoning here:

1) Look at the policies being pushed… a fiscal policy that seems to target the dollar and the American economy for destruction, coupled with a “blame the capitalists” strategy, leaving  massive government takeovers as the supposed only choice.

2) Oddly, more and more of Obamas advisors and Czars keep dropping little hints that they think that Chairman Mao was just the coolest. Behold Ron Bloom, Obama’s “Manufacturing Czar,” talking to a group of investors, telling them about the steelworkers union:

A) They “are loyal – when we’re bought, we generally tend to stay bought”
B) They “have no inheirant loyalty”
C) They “agree with Mao that political power comes largely from the barrel of a gun”
D) “The free market is a joke”

And there’s Anita Dunn, White House Communications Director, praising Mao as one of her “favorite political philosophers.” The best video of that I’ve found is from the Glenn Beck show, so it comes with commentary.

The third lesson and tip actually come from two of my favorite political philosophers: Mao Tse-tung and Mother Teresa. Not often coupled with each other. In 1947, when Mao Tse-tung was being challenged within his own party on his plan to basically take China over, the Nationalist Chinese helped the cities, they had the army, they had the Air Force, they had everything on their side. And people said, “How can you win? How can you do this? How can you do this? Against all the odds against you?” And Mao Tse-tung said, “You fight your war and I’ll fight mine,” and think about that for a second. 

She also calls Mother Theresa another one of her favorite political philosophers, a notion that also does not win her any points with me…  but that’s a seperate rant.

And then there are the other jackasses in the White House, as I pointed out before.

Now, it’s certainly possible that Dunn and Bloom were joking in their glowing references to Mao. Oh, sure, there’s certainly nothing funnier than invoking the memory of historys greatest mass-murderer in a context that seems to indicate that you think imposing his policies of genocide upon your political opponants would be just neato-keen. Why, just the other day I invoked the memory of Stalin while cleaning the little box. Who doesn’t?

But the thing is, why would they select Mao to not only quote, but make it clear that they agree with him? As opposed to, say, Hitler, Napoleon, Jim Jones, Hannibal Lector, Jimmy Carter or any of the other great monsters of history?

The thing is, while both Bloom and Dunn have claimed “humor” as their excuse, there’s zero evidence of that. For that to be humorous, the point of bringing up Mao would be to either disagree with him, or mock him and his philosophies, something like that. Instead, the context shows that they agree with Mao.

So. Obama spent decades associating with “black liberation theologists” (basically, Marxism and racism melded together intoa  neat little religious package), and packed his administration with outright commies (Van Jones) and others who praise commies. So, if one were to follow Obamas advice and judge him by the people he associates with, what would one come up with?

 Posted by at 8:11 am

  2 Responses to “Maobamists”

  1. I thought it was particularly ironic that Dunn joked that Mao and Mother Theresa are two people not often paired together, when we both know that at least one person paired the two together over 60 years ago. Clearly Dunn has never read the Fountainhead. All hail the concept of the second-hander, who derives their fundamental sense of worth from others.

  2. Guilt by association. It works every time. Your grandmother told you that you would be judged by who your friends are.

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