Feb 292020

As of today I have 100 diagrams completed for the book project. Not cruising along quite as quickly as I’d hoped… in mid January I had a few short of 70 and had hoped to do at least one per day. But there has been about two weeks worth of work time lost of various and sundry issues, and a few of the diagrams turned out to be more of a headache than expected. Things are nonetheless progressing. The spreadsheet of planned diagrams is now just a bit short of 210 total, though I expect some of those might not come to pass… better to plan to throw in *every* damn thing than plan to run lean. If nothing else, I want this book to be the sort of thing that anyone else who might have ideas about doing the same thing would take one look at and give up in despair, knowing that there is nothing more to say on the topic.

 Posted by at 5:08 pm