Feb 292020

By which I mean, “let’s toss Socialism out on it’s rotten, democidal and vampirish ears and go to 40% nuclear power for our electricity.”

Below is a video made by comedians who are far, FAR more honest than those lying jackals in the Democrat party who extol the “virtues” of Scandinavian socialism success stories, without ever mentioning that socialism almost destroyed Sweden so they got rid of it. The fact that they got rid of socialism without resorting to bloodshed is, I think, what has allowed the fact that Sweden is a free market capitalist system to slip under the radar. Consider that: what makes Scandinavian socialism a “success” is that it failed to result in gulags and pogroms, and they managed to *escape* socialism.

This would seem to be a good video to share. Perhaps even with lefties who drone on and on about how great it would be to have Nordic-style socialism in the US.

 Posted by at 9:31 am