Feb 122020

Below is an image taken from a history of the B-52, artwork depicting the YB-52 configuration packing a single Navaho cruise missile. Cool and all, but there’s something bugging me: I could *swear* that a year or three back I came upon or was sent a passel of images showing, among other things, the B-52 carrying Navaho missiles, in the form of both artwork like this *and* diagrams.  But I have been unable to locate these images, whether due to them getting separated during the move, or misplaced/misfiled prior to the move… or them not having existed in the first place because my brain is having a little joke at my expense. Unfortunately my tiny little brain is incapable of letting go of missing things like this and it’s driving me buggo. Does this sound at all familiar to anyone?

 Posted by at 6:13 pm