Oct 192009



The BBC has defended a decision to change the ending of nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty.

A version used on the CBeebies channel was altered so rather than “couldn’t put Humpty together again” all the King’s horses “made Humpty happy again”.

The broadcaster said the change was made purely for creative reasons rather than trying to give a soft version of the rhyme for children. …Labour MP Tom Harris told the Independent on Sunday: “For goodness sake. Obviously children will find it far too violent, distressing and horrific that Humpty should not be put back together again.

Wow. That’s just… lame. Even for the Nanny State, worrying about upsetting children with a centuries-old rhyme is pretty freakin’ sad. Someone should tell them that for millenia children have grown up with tales of people being eaten by wolves or being poisoned by witches, stepmoms, Socialists and other assorted evildoers, and it didn’t seem to traumatize ’em. Hell, until the 20th century, when a death in the family occured, the body was displayed for a time (a short time… ya don’t want Granny stinkin’ up the joint) in the “parlor.” But that fell out of fashion, and now it’s called the “living room” (no place for the dead, you see), and death is something we don’t let kids see or understand.

<> Well, except for the family that brought along a passel of rugrats to the showing of “Zombieland” I went to a couple days back…

 Posted by at 8:21 am

  3 Responses to “Humpty Dumpty will KILL YOUR CHILDREN!!!!!”

  1. Scott, you seem to be on a roll with the “for the children” posts. So…



  2. After the Brits decided to stop teaching “I before E except after C” the end of inevitable. Or something like that.

    Do you think they still teach that Charles I was beheaded?

  3. Give it time and only plastic pets will be allowed because they can’t die. (And they’d probably make it a hate crime to behead one’s sister’s Barbie. Oh wait, Barbie will be outlawed too because her exaggerated proportions make little girls feel bad about themselves.)

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