Jan 292020

Here we go again…

Did an anti-gun activist stage a ‘death threat’ for Twitter?

Short form: a trauma surgeon who was shot in the neck as a teenager became an anti-gun activist (it is not uncommon for those who have been abused to become abusers themselves). His latest activity was, it seems, to print out a clip-art “death threat,” place it on his own vehicle and then photograph it. His claim was that the “flyer” was posted on his vehicle out in public, yet the photo he took of it was  clearly taken within a residential garage. He has since deleted his Tweets on the subject, and the local police have confirmed that they’ve received no complaints from the “victim.” Nor has the printout itself been turned over for analysis.

Why did he do this? Presumably to earn himself some additional Victim Status Points. Maybe he’s playing Victimhood Bingo or something.

The mainstream media ran with the “victims” Twitter claims uncritically. Why? On the one hand, many journalists want to change the world rather than simply report on it, and authoritarians love anti-gun stories because that tends top fit with their “control everybody” ideology. On the other hand, the story was nothing but a handful of Tweets, pretty much the very definition of a non-story. So perhaps it was a slow news day and they had to dream up something, *anything,* to help fill the columns. Heaven forbid that they do actual journalism rather than just breathlessly parroting the latest Jussie Smollett… investigation takes effort.

 Posted by at 7:25 pm