Jan 232020

The Dangerous Rise Of Men Who Won’t Date “Woke” Women

It’s pretty much what you’d expect: men who won’t date women who hate men are all far right racist misogynists. Rather dull and boring in it’s tired and cliched way. But it’s the responses that make the existence of this editorial worthwhile:

“The dangerous rise of men who won’t have sex with me.”
Careful Vicki, you’re sounding like an incel.

No one owes you a relationship, sweetie

Nobody owes anybody anything, much less a date or a relationship. So if you display a hateful ideology, such as modern straight-white-man-hating wokeness, then, yeah, a whole lot of guys are not going to find you too terribly desirable. *Some* people certainly go looking for a relationship specifically to make themselves miserable, because some people are masochists. But most people aren’t. Men look for partners who will make them feel happy and/or satisfied and/or wanted. Wokeness provides none of this.


And then this review of the article on YouTube, with a reasonably hilarious title: “Get woke, die alone.”

And Tim Pool, leftist non-white guy, is similarly unimpressed:

 Posted by at 11:35 am