Jan 012020

Poe’s Law was originally specifically about Creationists:

Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is utterly impossible to parody a Creationist in such a way that someone won’t mistake for the genuine article.

In the 15 years since then, though, it has expanded to cover just about every form of whackery, from religious to political. And it is accurate… parody will often be indistinguishable from the actual crazy. And thus you get this:

Antisemitism Only Counts From Whites

I define antisemitism ontologically as a product of white supremacy, making antisemitism by others – Black Hebrew Israelites, Muslims, whoever – impossible.

…Once we understand that the term “antisemitism” applies only to white-on-Jew violence, we realize other terminology must come into play. My suggestions include “economic protest” and “anti-gentrification crusade,” but others are welcome to weigh in with theirs.

The website this was published on, “Preoccupied Territory,” is explicitly a satirical website. But taken out of that context, it reads *exactly* like the sort of woke rubbish you’ll get from “Progressive intellectuals.” For example, it was reproduced in its entirety at jewishpress.com; and even with a single reference up top to the fact that it’s from a satire site, read the comments. A few folks missed that bit and believe that this is the current state of Progressive thought. And the thing is, they’re not far wrong.

It could prove entertaining if Reddit or 4chan or some such snagged this article and posted it without the reference to satire in order to hook as many Progressives as possible. Because I suspect they’d get a *lot* of them. The same ones who believe that “cultural appropriation” and “racism” only go one way, that words can and should be re-defined to support their left-fascist political agenda.

I hadn’t seen “PreOccupied Territory” prior to this. I think I’ll add it to my daily reading list of religious websites alongside the Babylon Bee. What the frak kinda world are we living in that the best and actually funniest political comedy comes from the religious fundies and that the ones who want to ban video games and burn books are on the left?

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 Posted by at 4:01 pm