Dec 242019

Oddly, it’ll be in a nine-movie set, including the original trilogy, the prequel trilogy, and the Disney knock-offs. One can hope that the two actual Star Wars trilogies will be released on their own at some point. Perhaps they could package the Disney flicks with Solo and the Holiday Special for a special “Craptacualr Edition.”

Star Wars 9-Movie Collection [Digital Copy] [4K Ultra HD Blu-ray/Blu-ray] [Only @ Best Buy]

Probably to be released at the end of March, 2020. The proposed price is $250.

To be released at about the same time is:

Star Trek: The Motion Picture: The Art and Visual Effects

This looks potentially promising. Love it or hate it, Star Trek: the Motionless Picture was a *beautiful* film. And if you pre-order it through one of these links, I’ll get a tiny fraction!


And because why not:


 Posted by at 1:06 am