Dec 162019

Not that long ago I was yammering about finally getting over the move and getting things back to semi-normal hereabouts. And perhaps you’ve noticed that recently blogging has been uneven and lean, rather than gloriously full of babble. What’s up?

Well… a book deal, as it turns out.

While there has been absolutely no forward motion on getting my sci-fi novel(s) published, or even seen by an agent or a publisher, it turns out that a publisher is interested in my aerospace history work. So I’m in the getting-my-ᛋᚺᛁᛏ-together stage of preparing the outline and such for an actual book. This will be something of an expansion of my US Aerospace Projects work, narrowed down to a tighter topic focus. While a typical issue has diagrams covering 8 separate designs, the spreadsheet covering this book includes more than 180 designs.

More info on this project when there’s more progress on it. But if all goes well, at some point soon-ish you’ll see a book with my name on it and a boatload of my diagrams in it on the bookstore shelves. This will be a bit time consuming on my part…

 Posted by at 9:44 pm