Oct 132009

Now available is a Boeing digram for a 1/20-scale BOMARC display model. This shows the missile in good detail, giving dimensions and cross-sections. Perfect for anyone wanting to scratchbuild a BOMARC either static model or flying model rocket. Or for the truly adventurous, a flying RC model… preferable with a solid rocket booster in the fuselage and two turbine units in the “ramjet” pods. The drawing is in grayscale and is 11031X7184 pixels, and comes with a half-size version for easier viewing and printing.

The BOMARC drawing can be downloaded for $5.50.


 Posted by at 7:30 am

  One Response to “New aircraft drawing: BOMARC diagram”

  1. Oh come on now! Where’s the “fun” in NOT putting scale ramjets on the thing?

    Randy :o)

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