Nov 052019

My computer remains at the shop. I have no expection of hearing anything for another day or two. Fortunately, “my computer” in this context refers strictly to the pawn-shop-purchased Chromebook that I use strictly for online work… none of my writing or CAD or scanning or any of that. It is ina  sense “sacrificial,” so if it gets fed through a woodchipper then all that’s lost is a bunch of bookmarks and logn passwords. Not that that won;t be a massive irritant, but compared to losing a few terabytes of 3D models and scanned documents…

Anyway, while I wait I continue the long task of unpacking. One thing I unpacked was my *previous* internet computer, a *tiny* and by now truly ancient netbook. As you can see it functions, but *damn* is it slow. Slow enough to make being online as painful as listening to an SJW give a lecture, so until I’m back to the “good” internet computer… I’m off of the net, back to unloading books from boxes onto shelves. Feel free to order stuff (*please* order stuff…. tell other people to order stuff), there’ll just be a longer than usual delay in responding.

 Posted by at 6:40 am