Oct 012019


Where the interviewer asks a bunch of people questions from the test for immigrants who wish to become US citizens. Obviously not a scientific statistical sampling, but still.

Lots of people have pointed out that the citizenship test that immigrants need to pass would be massively failed by a large portion of the native-born public. This seems almost certain. But often this point is raised to claim that it is thus too difficult for non-Americans to gain citizenship. Many of these folks think that *nothing* should be needed to become a US citizen.

But there’s another way to look at it. Keep the citizenship test. You cannot make existing citizens take it in order to keep their citizenship; if you’re born here, you’re a citizen, just that simple. But… it seems to me that passing this test, or some reasonable portion of it, should be a requirement to be allowed to vote in Federal elections.



 Posted by at 1:38 pm