Sep 162019

At the end of the last “Jurassic World” movie, the idiot-child character decided to let a bunch of dinosaurs, including carnivores, loose in northern California. One of the last scenes was a typical Spielberigan shot from a hillside, looking down on the ‘burbs; but what was looking down into the yards full of pets and children was one the Utahraptor-sized velociraptors. The implication was that humanity was about to take a beatdown for its hubris, with monsters rampaging through the population.

Small problem: in the real world it would take about fifteen minutes before every hunter within a five hundred mile radius had his truck loaded up, heading for that location. In about two days, dinosaurs would be extinct again.

Nevertheless, another Jurassic World movie is due out at some point. In the meantime, Universal has released a short flm set sometime after the dinosaurs were released. It’s amusing enough, in particular the very brief sequences during the closing credits of various incidents with the beasts out in the wild. The main story is the “only in California” kind, with people camping in the woods with full knowledge that there are giant predators roaming the region… and, being Californians, they didn’t bring the sort of firepower a sane person would. Of course, a sane person would not take their infant camping in woods full of carnivorous dinosaurs, but hey, Hollywood.


So the little kid shoots the allosaurus in the face with a crossbow. OK, fine. She shoots it in the face with two crossbow bolts. OK, But the two bolts hit a fraction of a second apart. Not simultaneously, which would happen if she somehow loaded two bolts into the thing at once. And far too quickly for a reload. I was expecting to see botht he kid and the neighboring camper but, nope. Lone Hollywood Superkid that strikes all the quotas.

Side note: day is saved by a child wielding a deadly projectile weapon. Huzzah.

 Posted by at 9:31 pm