Aug 292019

… and there is much to say about how decisions the Disney corporation has made has squandered the legacy of Star Wars that they spent four billion dollars to acquire. But the *people* who work in the trenches at the Disney parks seem to be something quite a bit different. A while back I pointed out the fantastic “Evil Queen” they’ve got who brings the snark with verve and talent, but then there are these two incidents of the “talent” being *waaaaay* better people than those who decided to turn Han Solo into a bad joke and Luke Skywalker into a worthless dirtbag.


First: a non-verbal autistic kid went into sensory overload and started melting down. “Snow White” was on the job, it seems, and took care of the situation.

I am so emotional with these pictures !! Brody was having a meltdown . It was our turn to take pictures with her and he…

Posted by Lauren Bergner on Sunday, August 25, 2019


And then they’ve got a “Mary Poppins” who interacted with a blind girl. The blind girl, being blind and all, could not see “Mary Poppins” or her outfit… but “Mary Poppins” let the girl “see” her via touch. I would be large sums of someone else’s money that Disney has standing orders with the talent along the lines of “don’t let the plebes touch you or your costumes,” along with orders to the security to prevent the dirty, dirty masses from touching the talent. yet everyone involved here, from the “Mary Poppins” to the guards doubtless watching from the bushes, to the bored drone a thousand feet under the park watching the event via cameras hidden in “Mary Poppins'” hat, decided to let it play out.


I’m honestly stumped what a blind person would get out of most of an amusement park, but she seems happy, so who am I to argue?


I do wonder if there’s something wrong with *me* or something wrong with *society* that I’m frankly surprised to see basic decency out of people who are doubtless underpaid, overworked and subject to daily indignities from horrible, horrible park proles.

 Posted by at 10:43 pm