Aug 242019

This story has it all:

NASA astronaut accused of stealing identity, accessing bank account of estranged wife while in space: report

What?!?! Some astronaut while on the space station committed crimes against his wife who was back on Earth? Why, That’s an outrage! Clearly part of the cis-het patriarchy! Argle bargle damned toxic masculinity! NASA needs to diversify away from alpha males! Why…

Former Air Force intelligence officer Summer Worden, from Kansas, has been involved in a bitter divorce with astronaut Anne McClain since 2018 but the battle heated up after Worden filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission and NASA’s Office of Inspector General accusing her wife of assuming her identity and gaining improper access to her private financial records while orbiting the earth


NASA officials told the Times that they were unaware of any previous crimes committed on the space station.

Consider this: the first crimes committed on the space Station, quite likely the first crimes committed in space, were committed by a Protected Special Class. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

 Posted by at 1:34 pm