Aug 132019

In 2006, CBS and Viacom split apart and, for reasons that evade me, the rights to Star Trek also got split apart. Since then, it has been essentially impossible for anyone to legally make *real* Star Trek because of the crazy licensing issues. But CBS and Viacom are merging again and the Trek licenses are all coming back together. So going forward there will be NO EXCUSES for why good, quality, canon Star Trek *can’t* be made. There will doubtless be lots of excuses why it *won’t,* including the wokification of Trek or the desire to trash viewer expectations, but it should at least be legally possible to make real Star Trek again.

‘Star Trek’ Poised To Become New Marvel? CBS & Viacom Merger Brings Franchise Under One Fleet

From now on, shows like “Star Trek: Picard” and “Lower Decks” should be able to feature actual Star Trek designs, iconography, canon, characters, etc. Shows like STD are of course a lost cause, and it would be in everyones best interests if the showrunners would just come out and say that “this is in a different timeline/multiverse/whatever from Canon Trek.”

Who knows what will happen. With an improved licensing environment and a possible shuffling of the suits, it *might* even be possible to dream of a future where CBS gives a damn about Trek, and we wind up with an anthology Trek series where “amateurs” such as the Axanar people are given a small budget to crank out an hour or two of product… that, if good enough, could serve as back-door pilots.

I’ll just get right on holding my breath for that, shall I…

 Posted by at 3:51 pm