Aug 122019

Noted Nazi cosplayer Sarah Silverman has discovered that SJWs have long memories, no sense of humor and no mercy:

Sarah Silverman reveals she was recently fired from a movie over her 2007 blackface character

In a podcast interview with Bill Simmons posted Thursday, Silverman touched on Hollywood’s push to increase diversity and call out needlessly offensive storylines. She cited her own work on “The Sarah Silverman Program,” which ran a 2007 episode featuring the comedian in blackface commenting on racism. The comedy sketch show, which ran from 2007 to 2010, chronicled the daily shenanigans of a fictionalized version of Silverman. 

“At 11 p.m. the night before (filming began), they fired me because they saw a picture of me in blackface from that episode,” she said, without offering any details about which movie she was referencing. “I didn’t fight it.”

This lost her her job:


But not this. This is just fine:

The “blackface” sketch was supposedly something-something-racism-bad, while the “Hitler” bit was something-something-Trump-bad. Dressing up like a Nazi is forgivable when done in the service of Wokeness, but it seems that nothing can ever forgive blackface.

I’ve sure Silverman was upset at getting canned for something she did more than a decade earlier. I also assume that she hopes that the problem is over. But I have my doubts. Let’s say you apply for a job, the interviews go well, and everything is on track… but just before they sign on the dotted line and hire you, they discover that you served time for murder. Regardless of whether or not you have served your time, regardless of whether or not you are remorseful or have changed your ways, you remain a “murderer,” and you will stay a “murderer” until the day you die: at which time you become a “dead murderer.” Well… Silverman remains a Blackface Enthusiast, and will until the day she dies, at which time she will likely be remembered as a Noted White Supremacist. Since she, by her own admission, did not fight against getting fired, she has effectively ceded ground in advance to anyone who might have hired her but who would have declined due to her blackface sketch. She has admitted that it is good and proper to leave perpetually unemployed anyone who has done something that could be *interpreted* as being sufficiently unWoke.

Personally, I find the whole thing ridiculous. It is the *job* of comedians – which Silverman purportedly claims to be – to do things that are sometimes offensive. And Cancel Culture is a fricken’ plague on society, as are the pestilential cancerous homonculi who engage in the outrage mobbery behind Cancel Culture. And yet, I can’t help feel more than a wee bit of schadenfreude seeing a leading light of the looney left getting hoisted on her own petard.

 Posted by at 1:23 pm