Aug 072019

It is a natural result of a billion years of evolution: people prefer “their own kind” over what they perceive to be “the other.” This is not a value judgement, simply a statement of fact. It can be seen in virtually all areas of life; in fully integrated schools, kids will tend to ethnically self-segregate in who they sit with at lunch; adults will self-segregate in where they choose to live or who they choose to hang out with.

But there are some differences in rates of preferences. And according to some surveys a few years ago, in the US, there is one group that confounds this generality: “white liberals.” They are the only ones who actually have a pro-out-group bias. In other words… they are to some degree “self hating” and suffer from the psychological condition of “white guilt.” This would go far towards explaining a lot of recent left-wing media coverage of politics: they have a natural bias towards assuming that whites are naturally evil. An interesting summary of the findings on this this and related matters is HERE (and HERE).

One might assume, at least based on the media, that white conservatives would be the polar opposite: pasty-faced Republicans should be just massive racists, with a distinct and invincible preference for Their Own Kind. But that turns out to be in error. Whether Liberal, Moderate or Conservative, whites seem to generally have a lower in-group preference than other ethnic groups of the same politics.

According to this, conservatives as a whole – except for conservative Asians, have a lower in-group bias than liberals…and much less so than moderates. This is a head-scratcher of a result, honestly.

The true validity of this data can of course be questioned; polling and statistics are hardly bulletproof. But it does go far towards explaining a lot of what’s going on these days.

EDIT: Case in point. Take a look at this tweet from a Hollywood actress and try to imagine anyone *other* than a white liberal saying the same sort of thing about themselves and their ethnicity. It is a phenomenon and a psychological disorder virtually unique to that one group.


 Posted by at 10:05 am