Aug 042019

So, there was a mass shooting in El Paso, Texas. Preliminary reports are that the killer, who CNN seems to take great glee in stating as often as possible is a “white male,” posted a manifesto stating his opposition to mass immigration and the replacement of white Americans with Hispanics. So his response to what he doesn’t like was to shoot up a WalMart. Fortunately the cops caught him alive and unharmed; hopefully they’ll be able to pry out of him WTF he was thinking.

We’ve seen this sort of thing before. And while sometimes terrorism seem to have a recognizable goal that can be linked to the terrorism (the IRA trying to bomb the Brits out of Northern Ireland, for example), “right wing” or “white nationalist/separatist” terrorism in the US and the West seems to be uniquely pointless. Consider: after these events, when has either society or the government moved in the direction these jackholes would have wanted? Every time a white guy shoots up a mosque, a synagogue, a black church or a bordertown WalMart, any changes that result would be in the direct opposite direction.

After a “right wing” terrorist act, the left-wingers agitate for increased gun control and restrictions on speech and thought. Sometimes they succeed in getting some of what they want. If it turns out this act was based on hatred of Hispanic mass immigration, then it’s a safe bet that it will become *easier* for such mass immigration to happen. The news has already pointed out that the city government of El Paso has told the local police to enforce no immigration laws for the foreseeable future.

In contrast, after “left wing” terrorist acts, such as the BLM murders of cops in Dallas or the cop Christopher Dorner who went on a killing spree to protest the existence of the 2nd Amendment or the many, many attacks by Antifa, free speech rights aren’t expanded; gun control laws aren’t hacked back; mass immigration isn’t restrained and illegal aliens aren’t mass deported. In fact, left-wing terrorists such as Antifa often get what they want in shutting down opposing thought.

And look at Islamist terrorist attacks: after 9/11, in only seven years the US elected a guy who had been raised as a Muslim, had a Muslim middle name, extolled the supposed virtues and beauties of Islam and was believed by a *lot* of people to be a Muslim. After lesser but much more common Islamist terrorist attacks in Europe, Western Europe has not cracked down on or oppressed their Muslim minorities; in fact, just the opposite. Many Western European cities have been effectively ceded to Muslim immigrants, millions more have filled their borders, and horrific crimes are often simply officially ignored so as not to offend the new occupants.

In summary:

  • Islamist terrorism: It seems to work quite successfully in promoting Islamist goals.
  • Left Wing terrorism: It works slightly.
  • Right Wing terrorism: It is massively self-defeating.

Now, nut jobs are gonna nutjob. Right wing or left wing, you can’t reason a whacko into planning things out rationally, taking into account logical cause and effect based on history and an accurate understanding of human nature. Whackos are gonna go lynch somebody or blow something up because God told ’em to, or the neighbors dog, or hidden messages in Beatles songs, or Satan, or the historical dialectic, or whatever other crazy thing that seeps into their consciousness. But if you ever encounter an “extremist” who is thinking about committing acts of violence because he thinks that will help his cause of expanding rights and freedoms… smack his ass around a bit until he realizes that it will do the friggen’ opposite. Gentlemen, behold:

Kamala Harris willing to send cops to people’s homes to confiscate banned firearms

It took mere moments for a leading Democrat Presidential hopeful to announce that she’s ready and willing to go Gestapo on millions of Americans. A former hopeful “joked” about using weapons of mass destruction on American citizens who refused to given up their Constitutional rights. These sort of views are the sort of things that should, in earlier years, have not only disqualified a candidate from serious consideration for the Presidency, but should have gotten them laughed off the public stage. But every time some whacko hopped up on antidepressants decides that shooting up a public space is a neato-keen idea, the left wingers masterfully leap atop the still warm corpses and start bleating their goals of domination. And every time, they get a little further along. Useful idiots like the El Paso shooter only aid them.


 Posted by at 1:21 am