Jul 222019

This story is just plain entertaining…

Georgia Democratic Lawmaker Appears To Be Caught Lying About Alleged Racist Encounter

Short form: it appears that there *was* an incident in a grocery store. The Black Democrat Lawmaker was in the “express” checkout line with too many items in her cart, and got in a screaming match with another customer who was annoyed at either her inability to count, or her inability to not be a rude fill-in-the-expletive. This much everyone seems to agree on. Where stories differ: the lawmaker claims that the Racist White Man told her to “go back where you came from.”

How do we know that stories differ because when the lawmaker showed up back at the grocery store with local press in tow in order to raise some sort of a fuss, it turns out that the Racist whit man was *right* *there,* and got into it with her. And it turns out that the Racist White Man is a Cuban Democrat Immigrant who hates Trump and thinks that the lawmaker is embellishing the story in order to Smollett-up her career.


What’s entirely predictable: a good chunk of the media ate up her story and ran with it uncritically.

Interesting: compare two videos of the lawmaker in question. The first, where she makes the claim, and plays up her victimhood status for all it’s worth:

I’m about to be very Transparent because this racism and hate is getting out of control! I feared for my life!

Posted by Erica Thomas on Friday, July 19, 2019

And now, a video where sh tries her best to pretend to Righteous Indignation, outraged that the guy she’s making apparently false accusations against  had the temerity to disagree with her publicly:

This is one of those stories that has it all.


On one hand, it’s entertaining theater. On the other hand, it’s depressing that this is the quality of politician we have (not just this particular politician, but all the others, including Presidential candidates, who tried to ride the coat-tails of this incident until the facts started coming out). But on the gripping hand, this is just one more nail in the coffin of the political utility of unfounded claims of racism. This, Smollett, the Smirkening, the Goon Squad… all steps toward the public finally no longer paying any serious attention to this sort of nonsensical political theater.

 Posted by at 3:54 am