Jul 082019

Poll: Young adults grow uneasier with LGBTQ

Just 45% of adults ages 18 to 34 said in 2018 that they were comfortable interacting with LGBTQ people, according to the recent Accelerating Acceptance survey conducted by the Harris Poll on behalf of the LGBTQ advocacy group GLAAD. That’s down from 53% in 2017, and 63% in 2016.

Lots of people just want to live their lives in peace. Most people are pretty libertarian on most issues; if someone is straight or gay or asexual… for the most part, who cares? So you’d *think* that “acceptance” would be on the increase, what with marriage laws changing and whatnot. So… what could possibly cause this apparent drop? Or, perhaps more accurately, what could possibly be the cause in this apparent rise is uncomfortableness?


See, most people if they’re being honest are more or less fine with regular folk who are gay. But “drag queens” are the furries of gay people. and make most regular people recoil… especially when it’s in conjunction with children, even more so when the children themselves are being sexualized. There’s a level of weird there that sets people on edge.

It’s not even necessarily that these, err, guys are (presumably) gay. Imagine if instead of “drag queen story hour” it was “gimp suit story hour” or “Elsa She-Wolf of the SS Dominatrix story hour” or “coprophiliac story hour.” These could of course all be completely straight people. But parents would go nope-nope-nope-nope and run the other way and not too many people would blame them… but if they dislike the idea of grown men not just dressing weird, but dressing weird in a sexually weird way, interacting with their kids, they are called names and made to feel like they’re bad parents.

People don’t like that, and they rebel. And people who aren’t involved in the whackadoolde weirdness, but who are used as the political shield for the weirdness, take the heat as a result.

 Posted by at 9:37 pm