Jul 052019

This here Britainlander lives in London and makes his own clothes in the style of a “Regency gentleman.” For those unaware – and honestly, why would anyone be – the “Regency era” was a period of British history roughly between the time King George III (you know, the crazy one who lost the Brits the United States) was booted from power for being a nutjob and the installment of Queen Victoria. It would have been a perfect time for the Brits to boot *all* the “royals” and build themselves a republic modeled along the lines of the US. But it wasn’t to be, and now they get to look forward to installing an elderly King Charles.


Anywhere else, a guy going about dressed in the historic garb of his ethnic group would be of almost no newsworthiness whatsoever. A Japanese person wearing a kimono? A Sikh in a turban? An Arab in a… well whatever they call those robes? Meh, to all. But this guy is in Siddiq Khan’s London, and a white guy dressed like a white guy from 200 years ago is BBC Newsworthy:

I can’t say as I think much of that hat, but otherwise, hey, he looks pretty snazzy. Just so long as he doesn’t wave around one of those “Betsy Ross flags…”

Me, I’m a fashion slob. I choose my clothes based on “does it fit?” and “is it cheap?” I give approximately zero thought to fashion because… well, why would I? But if I did… hmmm.

Make some adjustments (better boots), update some of the materials (titanium mail seems like it aught to be a thing), replace the wood shield with one of kevlar), perhaps replace the axe with a shotgun, and that seems like just the outfit for a modern gentleman about town. Especially if it is a town that is still plagued with Antifa…


 Posted by at 12:18 am