Sep 262009

Damned if I can find it, but I swear that around about a year ago someone suggested a mountaintop near Salt Lake City for photography purposes. There was a government (Air Force?) facility up there, with adequate roads. After an hour poking around in the comments and on Google, I can find *nothing* on this. Can anyone help?

 Posted by at 5:31 pm

  5 Responses to “Brain malfunction. Mountaintop facility in Utah?”

  1. It coulda been me. Francis Peak. It’s on the mountain top just east of Fruit Heights (between Layton and Bountiful).

  2. Yup, that’s that one! I did a google search on “Francis Peak” and it pulls up a website – -= that I recall seeing Way BAck When. But when I did a search for it on the blogs search engine, including the Super Secret Administrator Search Engine, it pulled up squat. Which makes me think that your comment vanished. So unless for some reason *you* pulled it… then that means comments are mysteriously vanishing. Grrrrrr.

  3. I think I emailed it to you long ago.

  4. Well, that would explain it.

  5. And here I was hoping for a nice conspiracy. 🙂

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