Jun 242019

If you like a post I put on the blog, you can now “upvote” it. To do so you need to be signed in to Disqus, though you don’t need to actually post a comment. Click on the title of the post so that you pull up just that specific post, then, below the post, and below the horrible cheesy ads that Disqus sticks below the post, you should see a series of six emoji-things… “upvote,” “funny,” “love,” “surprised,” “angry,” “sad.” These are the options the system provides. I was hoping for a “this post sucks/thumbs down” option, but that’s not available.

So… I guess if a post is of particular appeal, go ahead and “upvote” it. If there are enough of those, I suppose I’ll do like a “like”-obsessed millenial and try to post more of that sort of thing.

 Posted by at 12:16 am