Jun 022019

… but this doesn’t seem quite right.

Venice, Italy, isn’t exactly at the top of my news feed, but I’ve heard numerous times that the city is full to overflowing with tourists, and the locals are sick of it. I have to imagine that this sort of thing will only raise the visibility of the issue.

I’ve virtually no interest in going to DisneyWorld, in no small part due to the fact that everything I’ve seen or heard suggests that the place is massively overcrowded. from Disney’s perspective, this is fine…the more people they can cram in, the more dollars they can get from them. But Disneyworld is a place *designed* for that specific purpose. Venice, on the other hand, is a city. People live there. If Disneyworld wanted to thin out the numbers, they could easily do so, since they control the entrances. They could limit the number of people allowed in. They could jack up the entrance fee even higher until people self-select for exclusion. But how would a city like Venice reduce the number of tourists? I suppose they could do something to stifle the flow of cruise ships, but tourists as a whole? When Europe cannot even seem to figure out how – or even if –  to stop the flow of millions of colonizing invaders, it’s hard to see how a single city could legally keep people out.



 Posted by at 3:10 pm