May 252019

Starfleet is renowned for making some rather unfortunate errors: the M-5 computer wargame, the Prime Directive, agreeing to not develop or use cloaking devices. But this one takes the cake:

Paint job mystery solved: Local college club explains purchase of incorrect color

This bright yellow M-41 Walker Bulldog tank has been maintained by the U.S.S. Yeager Chapter of Starfleet International, a science fiction club at Bluefield State College in West Virginia, for about 20 years. It needed a new coat of paint, so they took a chip to a  paint store which provided them two containers of “Tank Green.” They thought it looked funny when they started applying it, but assumed that it would dry to the right color. Having dealt with a lot of paints over the years, it’s definitely true that a lot of paints look substantially different before they dry, but unless they painted this tank in record time they had to have seen that it *wasn’t* drying to a proper olive drab. So they’re going to sandblast, reprime and repaint.

At least they didn’t leave it embedded in an asteroid in the neutral zone.






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