Apr 282019

So we had a whackaloon shoot up a synagogue in California. In this case we have an orgy of evidence about the shooter in the synagogue because the guy, in the finest tradition of true whackaloons, left a friggen manifesto. You can read it HERE. It’s not very long, but great googaly moogaly is it jam-packed full of Jew-hating crazy. It reads like the sort of unhinged monologue that a poorly-written movie Klansman would screech to his three inbred followers.

A few things can be gleaned from it. First, there’s a level of antisemitism there that is hard to fathom where it even came from. It had to have been building for a good long while. But it seems that the motivation for doing this came about recently… specifically, the Christchurch New Zealand mosque shootapalooza. This guy calls it out specifically as an inspiration, while also throwing in a bunch of video game and even PewDiePie references. He’s clearly a fanboy of the Christchurch shooter. Would he have gone after the synagogue had it not been for NZ? Hard to say, but this level of crazy must have been around for a good long while. Chances are that he would have snapped at some point, but it’s clear that Christchurch was the thing that got him moving. It has long been suggested that a big part of the cause of the modern school/mass shooting “epidemic” is crackpots seeing the news coverage that others get and becoming infected with a copycat virus. It seems that this is another data point.

In the modern lunatic manifesto tradition, it has a “question and answer” section. Seems he’s not a fan of either Trump or conservatives, though you know that both of those groups will be tarred by this guys actions. He’s a European, which he takes great pains to repeatedly go on about, and he’s quite vocal about his Christianity… which I bet will irritate the hell out of a whole lot of Christians who seem to think that that Jesus feller might have looked a little askance on someone trying to massacre Jews.

 Posted by at 3:29 am