Apr 262019

So driving along I listened to Science Friday on NPR today. They had a segment about poetry based on science, a concept which at least seemed like it aught to be promising. But the poems they read… wow, just, just awful, including one by the worlds most over-rated hack, Maya Angelou, which sounded like so much word salad. (Rather tellingly, both the description of the “poem,” that it was “an absolutely stunning poem,” and the title of the poem, “A Brave and Startling Truth,”are the sort of SJW buzzwords that make you sit up and take notice that you are about to be barraged with self-important nonsense.)

Everything they had on display sounded like the “poets” not only had the level of science understanding of your average Star Trek: Discovery writer, but the poetic skills of a lobotomized Speak N Spell. This crap is to “poetry” what low-end rap lyrics are to opera. I know art is subjective, but shouldn’t poetry sound, you know, like poetry, and not the stream of consciousness gibberings of someone whose experiences with science is restricted to “experimenting” with shrooms?

If you want to listen to this drivel… well, here ya go.



Gah. I needed to wash this gak out of my brain with something that actually *could* pass for “science poetry,” both the words and the images.

Anybody have any favorite poetry about science that is actually poetry, actually about science, and actually good?

 Posted by at 3:37 pm