Mar 302019

So a few days ago the new President of Mexico demanded that Spain apologize for conquering the Aztecs nearly 500 years ago (note: in reality, Cortez and his 200 guys didn’t so much conquer the Aztec empire and they showed up and led tens of thousands of *other* people to conquer the Aztecs, because the Aztec empire sucked and everybody around them hated them). And so now who is jumping on board the demand-Spain-apologize gravy train?

Via Google Translate:

The Ishbilia Mosque of Seville demands that King Philip VI ask for forgiveness for the Reconquest

A Spanish Mosque is demanding that Spain apologize for conquering… Spain.

So far, the Spanish government has told the Mexican government to get bent. I imagine they’ll do much the same with this more recent demand that Spain apologize for taking back its own land from foreign invaders.

 Posted by at 5:29 pm