Mar 302019

Each other, it seems:

The Weird World of Vegan YouTube Stars Is Imploding

Short form: veganism is like any religion… they reserve a special hate for those who are like them but fall *slightly* short of the pure faith.

The article discusses not only vegans going ape over “vegan YouTube stars” caught eating some animal-based food product, it also mentions, rather casually, that rather a lot of the vegans suffer health issues from their diets. Now, honestly, I don’t care what diet you choose, so long as it’s legal; you eat humans or cats, you and I are gonna have some words. If you only want to eat rabbit food, hey, great, more real food for me. But what gets my goat are all the vegans boasting about how they’re morally superior while at the same time demonstrating that their diet *isn’t* what humans were meant for. Look at the latest developments in vegan food products: vegan hamburgers that taste, feel, even “bleed” like real hamburgers. Why go to all that trouble if eating meat is wrong? Shouldn’t you be satisfied eating vegan food that tastes like plants? The thing is, meat is tasty because humans are *supposed* to eat it, just as sugar is tasty because we are *supposed* to eat it. Cats are *not* supposed to eat sugar, and therefore they don’t seem to have an ability to appreciate the taste of sugar. Humans are omnivores, and while it’s certainly possible to survive on a diet wholly of plant products, it’s neither easy nor necessarily all that healthy in the long term. We have fangs for a reason, people.

I have no doubt that at some point humans will develop machines that will be able to take water, electrical power and basic chemicals – perhaps raw elements – and “replicate” perfectly cromulent foods of any type. Anything from tea, Earl Gray, hot, to a nice juicy steak covered in chocolate sauce and diced grasshoppers, stuffed with basil, bananas and crawdads, all without having to kill one single organism. And when that day comes… will vegans still avoid “meat” for ethical reasons? Will the subspace communications lanes be filled with replicator-vegans sniping at each other about what a “true” vegan diet is? Will HoloTube be filled with people trying to one-up each other? I bet it will be. There will doubtless be people who go that extra step and have the replicator surgically implanted in thier GI tract, with the end result that they neither eat nor poop, but simply reprocess their own waste and survive on water, sunshine and absorbed carbon dioxide. And won’t *those* people be fun at parties.

 Posted by at 12:35 pm