Mar 262019

Two points for anyone who can come up with a believable, valid, rational explanation for *this* story that doesn’t include:

1: Payoff

2: “Gotta get the Trump Victory off the front page”

Prosecutors drop all criminal charges against Jussie Smollett

No explanation seems to have been given so far; the Chicago PD and even the Democrat Mayor Rahm Emanuel are cheesed off by this inexplicable development. More inexplicably, Smollett, who continues to proclaim his innocence, agreed to forfeit his $10K bond to the city (WHY?!?!?!).

The only rational explanation for this I can come up with is that the prosecutors have determined that Smollett is bugnuts, and thus they’ll pursue getting him sent into a looneybin rather than prison… but I suspect that ain’t it.

 Posted by at 1:44 pm