Sep 172009

See this here photograph?


See it? SEE IT???

It’s not a photo. It’s a fricken’ painting. As in goopy oil on canvas with a brush, done by Alyssa Monks.

The Telegraph has a picture gallery.

Here’s her website.

All you “modern/conceptual/abstract artists” out there take a look at what *real* talent is. Hang your talentless hack heads in shame, peasants.

 Posted by at 7:32 pm

  2 Responses to “Art ain’t dead. Who knew??”

  1. My personal definition of art is that you have to take a trade and transcend it. So if you’re talking portraits, you have to master the skill, and after you’ve done that and are able to layer your own personal vision on top of that you have art. If you look at the people who’ve been remembered as artists for more than a century that covers most of them. As a hyper-realist, Alyssa Monks certainly qualifies.

    Am I the only one who sees a deathshead/skull just to the right of the person’s mouth?

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