Sep 172009

A day or two back the mail dropped off the 3-D “printed” version of the 1/288 Orion Battleship. Since then I’ve been busily sanding, filling and polishing. The engineering of it turns out to have *largely* been spot-on, although I did model a few small areas that when printed were just too thin. Not to worry, revising these blips won’t take too long.

The turret turned out surprisingly well. I’m have photos in a day or two.

If you want the details on jsut what the Orion Battleship was, see HERE.

 Posted by at 12:31 am

  2 Responses to “Orion Battleship model: now in the Real World”

  1. Awesome – are we still looking at a late year release? Can’t wait for Michael to follow (and save my money to get them both)

    Congrats btw on the good Ares test – great smoke and fire.

  2. > are we still looking at a late year release?

    So far as I’m aware. I should wrap up with my post-processing of the parts in a few days, at which point it will be out of my hands.

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