Mar 092019

We all have heard the lie that “nobody wants to take your guns,” just before some authoritarian gun-grabber proposes a law that would make you an insta-felon simply for owning the stuff you currently own. To get an idea what things would look like in a future where the gun-grabbers get their way, take a look at this BS:

A guy has stage four pancreatic cancer and uses marijuana-derived capsules to relieve the pain. Missouri has voted to make medical marijuana legal, but the la has not yet taken effect. And so thus the cops got a call that someone smelled pot, and they came to roust a guy who looks about as harmless as a squirrel.

As one of the commenters on the news site said:

If you are dying of cancer and are counting down the few remaining weeks or days, I do not care if you smoke heroin and snort oxy. I mean what harm could it do. As for the police, yeah they need to be smacked hard on the back of their heads with a Gideons Bible, but I want to know who made the call for them to roust the dying guy. Whoever called them in needs a swift kick to the “mummy and daddy parts” with steel toed boots.

No matter what arguments are made for prohibition laws, the end result is always nonsense like this.

And why do so many cops have such ridiculous haircuts? Hard to take them seriously looking like that.

 Posted by at 3:10 am