Feb 282019

I’m not, as previously mentioned, a beer drinker. I also don’t prepare much fish; not because I don’t like it, but because… ugh, effort. Consequently I’m uncertain if the “Chinese industrial synthetic fibroid fish-like semi-safe food product” is, in fact, actual fish, or if it’s something else; or if it’s fish with a difference. It doesn’t *seem* like how fish aughtta be.

The YouTube comments make some plausible suggestions:

1: It’s expired and freezer-burnt

2: It’s re-hydrated salted fish

Either of these is more likely than fish made out of rags, which is what this *sounds* like, but both would probably still be fraudulently illegal.

I would look *really* askance at food from China. “Chinese food” is fine. “Food shipped from Chinese sweatshops,” on the other hand, makes me think of pet food with plastic fillers.

 Posted by at 5:40 pm