Feb 252019

So at the same time Venezuela enters either a death spiral or the beginnings of a civil war, Americas very own Bernie Sanders, backed up by a complicit media such as the NY Times, enters the fray and continues to argue that what America needs to do is follow in Venezuelas dying footsteps.

As may be expected, I’m not a fan of this. As has been pointed out ad nauseum, I have a number of cats (that number is 4, as it happens). Why do I have cats? Because I *like* cats. I like their personalities and their company. What I *didn’t* get cats for was as a convenient food source for when the socialists take over the US and I’m forced to consume my pets to stave off malnutrition for another week.

If you find someone *actually* flacking for Nazism, it is fair to assume that they are cool with the idea of genociding Da Joooz, and it’s fair to pre-judge them for that. Similarly, if you see someone proposing socialism, it’s fair to pre-judge them for doing what socialists have always done. Personally, when I see a socialist, I see someone who wants to kill and grill my cats. I leave it as an exercise for the student to determine my feelings about someone who would murder my critters on the altar of their ideology.

I’m not terribly good at providing a proper emotionally satisfying rant. I leave that to the professionals. Fortunately, Razorfist has produced an informative and entertaining rant on just this topic. I wholeheartedly recommend giving it a listen.

 Posted by at 12:53 pm