Feb 242019

I have no idea of how legit this is. The claim is that what we have here is a complete set of specs (both old-school machinists drawings as well as 3D models) for an AR-15 including heat treating. So if you have CAD-CAM capability, or *really* advanced metal 3D printing capability… well, here ya go. Caveat emptor.

I’m in favor of the idea of personal weapons technology being readily available to the public. One thing I do worry about: if the files are flawed in some way,either accidentally or because they’ve been hacked or, perhaps worse, they were intentionally made flawed. Rest assured that anti-gun groups, from whacko activists to government agencies, would love to flood the internet with designs for guns that look good but blow up in your face. It’s a common enough tactic in war: leave some ammo where the enemy will find it.Grenades that explode the moment you pull the pin, bullets that lock up the gun, ammo that simply detonates when someone touches the box. Makes the enemy wary of picking up anything they might happen to find.


 Posted by at 4:31 am