Jan 312019

There is no place in Asgard for anti-vaxxers; that’s a level of anti-wisdom that the Aesir simply have no use for. if you think your children are actually safer unvaccinated, Odin will throw you out of Valhalla and laugh at you.

But that laughter might not be accessible to mere mortals. So we need to generate laughter of our own. Fortunately, humans are pretty good at that.

Anti-Vaxx Mom Asks How To Protect Her Unvaccinated 3-Year-Old From The Measles Outbreak, Internet Delivers

That’s so mind-bogglingly stooopid that I wonder if perhaps it might be a Poe’s Law situation.But in any event, there ere some helpful replies:

More at the link.



 Posted by at 1:17 am