Jan 192019

Well, you gotta hand it to some of the Japanese, they’ve *nailed* the whole “find a market and fill it” aspect of entrepreneurialism. But there seems to be a larger problem if so much of your male population is obsessed with anime womenfolk and utterly baffled by and uninterested in *real* womenfolk that you can operate whole industries around extracting *large* amounts of money from guys for *extremely* tame interactions.

Some NSFW cartoon boobies, so, beware.


The US has a somewhat similar problem, of course,with “incels” and the like.But at least so far it doesn’t seem to be as pronounced as in Japan. But if the SJWs continue to drive a wedge between the sexes… who knows.

So, conspiracy time: this is *obviously* a plot to drive down birth rates and drive certain populations extinct. Who’s behind it? The Chinese? The Russians? The Illuminati? Reptilians?

 Posted by at 2:36 pm