Jan 062019

Soldier ‘to quit Army’ after his face is used in snowflake advert

Short form: the British Army has recently crapped out an ad campaign of dubious value and appropriateness. Instead of something that would make sense like “Join the Army and Defend Britain” or “Join the Army and Be a Badass” or “Join the Army and Chicks Will dig You,”  or at least “Join the Army and Go Kill People,” instead they  decided to try to make the Army appealing to some of the worst personality cliches of Generation Z:

Along with the posters, they are also producing TV ads, such as the one below that makes the rather remarkable leap of assuming that someone who is such a slow worker in a grocery store that her co-workers are seriously annoyed with her, will somehow make the perfect soldier:

But where things are most interesting is that the solider whose photo is shown on the “Snowflake” poster turns out to be a real solider. A real soldier who was peeved at being used as the posterboy for “Snowflakes,” so he’s quitting.

He said he was bombarded with sarcastic messages from colleagues and has accused the army of leaving him open to ridicule by placing his face alongside the derogatory term snowflake which is used to describe someone being over-emotional, easily offended or unable to deal with opposing opinions.

Mr McWhirter, who joined the Army in 2016 and has protected the Queen at Buckingham Palace, said he will resign at the ‘earliest opportunity’.

So… obviously, being labelled across the entire planet as a “snowflake” is a pretty substantial insult. But ditching your career in a tantrum over it? Does that make one a snowflake by definition?



 Posted by at 9:34 pm