Dec 302018

But this time, the wearer was prepared and recording. As far as real-life trolling efforts go, this was SPECTACULAR. It’s not only hilarious on the surface, it’s also instructive, showing clearly just how unhinged many people are.

NOTE: The language here is as NSFW as it can get.

The original video was posted to Facebook, but I can’t access it. Shrug. Probably made private or something. However, the internet never forgets, and thus there’s this:

Note that with the two main characters here, one is full of joy, the other is full of rage, hate and crazy. This is a recipe for some durned entertaining video, and it certainly delivers. However, as Sargon points out in his review, it’s not a perfect performance. MAGA-dude turned in a good performance, but a few minor tweaks and it could have been truly perfect.

The employee in question was apparently insta-fired by the company which, given the evidence at hand, was likely the wisest course of action. Otherwise the vape shop would have been inundated with dudes wearing Trump shirts and MAGA hats, hoping for a run-in with Screechy McTrigglyscruff here.

Given how the far left is doing everything they can to wipe out the ability of people on the right to earn a living, it’s only fair to troll lefties and, for the ones who are ruled, nay, dominated by their passions like this guy, show their madness to the world. If it results in them getting canned… well, turnabout/fair play, goose/gander, whatever.

While intentionally trolling whackos in real life is not really my thing, I appreciate the sheer joy with which this guy engages in it. Fictional Vikings (perhaps even real ones) and Klingons share the virtue of laughter in the face of the enemy, and that’s how it should be. Humor and mockery are concepts that ill-programmed NPCs like this simply cannot process. And laughing your way through the insanity of life is a better approach than giving in to despair. Back when I was an occasional airline flier, I harbored the secret hope that *if* the wings snapped off at 30,000 feet, when the investigators finally found a surviving memory card from someones phone there’d be video of a lot of people screaming in terror… and a brief glimpse of me with my hands in the air yelling “WHEEEEE!” like I was on a  roller coaster. Because why not? Nothing you can do to affect your chances of survival, so you might as well face death or a skraeling or a PO’ed Romulan or a cosmic horror or Screechy McTrigglyscruff with defiant laughter. You’ll enjoy your subsequent time in Valhalla better that way.

Question: lots of righties were driven nuts by the election of Obama. But… how many times did someone wearing an Obama shirt or a “Hope” hat or something face this level of balls-to-the-wall crazy?

 Posted by at 1:07 am